Performance Group
Perform like a star!
As a dancer you spend hours in a studio working on technique so now it's time to put all this to practice and PERFORM. If you have always dreamt of dancing a choreography, wearing costumes in front of an audience, you're in the right place.
Join our Princeps Fame Formation Team to taste the flavour of performing in a dance group. Just let us help you release the star in you.

We are forming a group of dancers for our new production.
Theme is Disco 70's/Studio 54, funky and fun!
There is an opening solo act followed by a group of front dancers and
group of back dancers.
We have a groovy team of front dancers who know this era very well!
We work hard and have the best time
The rehearsals are on Sundays 4-5pm @Dance Attic
Exception is Sunday 16th March when we will rehearse at the venue where we will dance on 12th April in South Kensington
Fee to cover the costs of studio hire and choreographer
for Back dancers 4 x1h rehearsals £75 starting 16th March
at MPW Queen’s Gate House
65-67 Queen's Gate, London, SW7 5JS
Costumes will be discussed , we aim for practical and yet effective solution.
Everyone needs to purchase a ticket to the event we will dance in.
Ticket to the event is compulsory
Please register below

CHOREOGRAPHER : Melodie Sally Gina Brannan
CEO of Daisy Roots Movement
Former choreographer at Fred Astaire

Learn a full choreography and perform it with other dancers on stage in front of an audience. Be careful- the thrill is very addictive!

Fear of performing in front of others? We can guarantee that preparing a show will give you the confidence to dance like it's your second nature.

Make friends with people who love dancing as much as you do. Be inspired and give it your best shot.